In 2014 we found a couple of airplanes listed for sale on Craigslist. We then went and purchased them for a very low price. Later we learned that a charity is actually who had sold them to us. Over the next year or so we purchased several more aircraft from them. Over time we started to question the validity of the organization that we were doing business with. The only way we could be sure that the funds are put to good use would be to do it ourselves!
In 2019 making the decision to help people dealing with extreme poverty was not a hard one. Deciding the best way to fund the missions was a bit more of a challenge. Along the way small donations from ourselves, friends, family and a few small businesses were very helpful to recipients.
In early 2020 to late 2022 our efforts were greatly affected by the pandemic. Travel, fundraising and overall engagement did not allow us to grow as we had hoped. We have stayed the course, never losing sight of our goals and values!
We realized that to reach as many people as we hope to help we would need to get 501(c)(3) approval so all donations would be tax deductible! In early 2024 Care Army was incorporated and on 5/15/2024 we received 501(c)(3) approval from the IRS!